• Question: what could you/would you all (the engineers in this zone) build togever as a team?

    Asked by fahyda to Graham, Luke, Maksim, Ruth on 17 Jun 2014.
    • Photo: Graham Wiggins

      Graham Wiggins answered on 17 Jun 2014:

      fahyda – another really good question !
      Wow, if we all got together…. well looking at the skills we’d bring to the party, the “possibilities are endless”.

      The only restrictions on that would be
      1/ cash – need a lot of that
      2/ time away from our day jobs – I’m sure our employers would like to see us do something really good, and may even help with point 1 above ? but they’d like to see us work for them as well.
      3/ we are pretty much spread out over the South of the UK, so there’d be some issues meeting up ( webchat / video conferencing could solve some of that. ) – I think Luke is back in the UK now ?

      It would be an interesting experience, so many different skills in only 5 people, we could do almost anything (that is legal) with unlimited cash + time…. maybe find a way to get free, clean, water to everyone on the Planet ? that would be a good start….

    • Photo: Luke Fry

      Luke Fry answered on 18 Jun 2014:

      Indeed, that is a great question!
      I think that what Graham said is pretty much spot on.
      Something I have organised in my group is that we voluntarily come together to work on humanitarian projects supporting various charities with engineering help!

    • Photo: Ruth Gregory

      Ruth Gregory answered on 19 Jun 2014:

      Honestly we would have to take some time to discuss this. We all have some very different but creative skills. If we were tasked to build something then I am sure we all could pull together and create something spectactular.

    • Photo: anon

      anon answered on 20 Jun 2014:

      The possibilities are endless. i would actually love to do that, would be a brilliant team building exercise. off the top of my head i would say something to end world hunger or end wars.


      claire 🙂
